Cooking Procedure

  1. In a large pot, Saute the garlic and onion
  2. Add the pork and chicken then let cook for 2 minutes
  3. Add the chicken cube and water then simmer for 15 minutes
  4. Put in the carrots, peapod, cabbage, and celery leaves and simmer for a few minutes
  5. Remove all the ingredients in the pot except for the liquid and set them aside
  6. In the pot with the liquid in, add the soy sauce and mix well
  7. Add the pancit bihon (makes sure to first soak it in water for about 10 minutes) and mix well. Cook until liquid evaporates completely
  8. Put-in the vegetables and meat that were previously cooked and simmer for a minute or two
  9. Serve hot. Share and enjoy!



Cook egg noodles according to package directions.  Drain and set aside.  

Heat 1 T. canola oil in a saute pan or wok.  Add all of the veggies and saute for a few minutes, enough to cook them halfway, about 3-4 minutes.  Remove to a bowl.

In the same wok, add remaining oil and chicken.  Saute for 3-5 minutes, until the chicken is no longer pink on the outside.  Season with salt and pepper and a dash of soy sauce.  Add vegetables back in with the chicken and continue to cook about 3-5 minutes, or until veggies are tender.  Add in remaining soy sauce and egg noodles; toss to coat.  Heat noodles a few minutes before serving.  

Cooking procedure:
1. Put 1 liter of water in a caserole, pour tomatoes and red onions when water is boiling until it is mushy.
2. Pour all the fish in caserole, when fish is almost cook.
3. Add the green beans, kangkong and the green chilli (optional) but don’t over cook it.
4. Add salt and fish sauce to taste.


1. Place the cubed tuna meat in a large bowl then pour-in 3/4 cups of vinegar.
2. Let stand for 2 minutes then gently squeeze the tuna by placing a spoon on top applying a little pressure.
3. Gently wash the tuna meat with vinegar. Drain all the vinegar once done. This will help reduce the fishy smell.
4. Add the remaining 3/4 cup vinegar, calamansi or lemon juice, ginger, salt, ground black pepper, and red chilies then mix well.
5. Cover the bowl and refrigerate for at least 2 hours.
6. Top with minced red onions and serve (you may also add the red onions with the rest of the ingredients in step 4).
7. Share and enjoy!


Cooking Instructions:
In a deep pan, saute garlic, add with onion. Add half kilo of pork into the pan and season it with salt. Saute still until pork starts to render fat and its edges turn brown. You may then add tomatoes and crushed ginger. Mix the ingredients well for a couple of minutes, pour water then bring it to a boil. Add slices of okra, eggplants, ampalaya, sitaw and squash. Season pork and vegetables with bagoong according to your taste. Mix it well and simmer until all veggies are cooked.