Home Style Filipino Recipes

Chicken Soup
2 tablespoons oil
3 -4 cloves garlic, crushed
30 g ginger, strips
1 kilo chicken, cut into small pieces
6 cups water
2 tablespoons patis (fish sauce)
salt and pepper to taste
50 g native sili (pepper) leaves
200 g raw papaya, peeled and
cut into cubes
1. Heat oil in a a casserole and saute garlic till brown. Add ginger and chicken. Brown chicken lightly and then pour water.
2. Allow chicken simmer over medium heat until almost tender. Add papaya and simmer until papaya is tender.
3. Stir in sili leaves. Add salt and pepper to taste. Serve hot.

Filipino food ( Chicken dishes)

Chicken Afritada in a Bowl
                   Chicken Afritada
 Afritada is one of the dishes that stand out. In the Philippines cuisine there are several dishes that use tomato sauce based ingredients and Afritada is definitely one of them.

Filipino Chicken Curry
                         Chicken curry
 It is also a great dish that Filipino adopted from Spaniards. It combines the powder curry and coconut cream to give this dish rich, creamy and a spicy flavor that you would expect from this awesome curry dish.
Garlic Fried Chicken
                           Garlic Fried Chicken
This Fried Chicken variation uses a hefty amount of garlic powder to add taste and nice aroma to the usual Fried Chicken Recipe.